Have you ever thought “I don’t know enough to be a Health Coach”?

by Marla Bozic on March 19, 2015


I can’t think of a single time that my nutrition knowledge or lack thereof has gotten in the way of having a successful client. I’ve worked with hundreds of clients and that’s never been the case.

It’s not because I know everything about nutrition, far from it, I am constantly learning.

The great results I have had with my clients has been through focusing on cleaning their diet, listening to them, getting them to drink more water, scheduling their week better, organising their pantry.

Rarely (ok, never) has a client asked me about the molecular makeup of calcium. And when I get asked a question I don’t know the answer to, I either google it during the session or investigate and give them a handout at our next session.

Being a health coach is not about knowing enough.

So much of what we do is about caring enough.

You have no idea how our support and accountability is relished up by a client.

You’re ready right now – right where you are – to support your client through every challenge in their Health journey.

Best wishes

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