Researchers put a group of people on a 2,000 calorie diet. In the first part of the study, test subjects could only eat their 2,000 calories at breakfast. They ate nothing else for the rest of the day. With this one meal in the morning, everyone either lost weight or maintained their existing weight. In the second phase of the study, the same exact people ate the exact same 2,000 calories diet, except this time, they could only eat it at dinner. With this one meal for the entire day, eaten in the evening, every single person in the study gained weight.
Can you see why counting calories to lose weight can be a waste of energy if we don’t take into account when we eat those calories?
WHEN you eat is as important as what you eat
Sumo wrestlers have known for centuries that large meals eaten in the late evening hours will give them the physical advantage they covet most – flab. Simply put, we calorie-burn less efficiently in the late evening hours.
So, if you want to get the ultimate metabolic benefit of eating, don’t eat your most substantial and nutrient-dense meal when your digestion is on a downturn in the late evening hours. Unless you’re seriously considering an unusual career change, I suggest that you relinquish the Sumo diet immediately.
Eating little food during the day and much in the evening will never take you where you want to go when it comes to optimising energy and burning calories.’
Marc David is a visionary leader and teacher in Nutritional Psychology and founded the Institute for the Psychology of Eating. I’m a big fan of Marc’s work. This is an excerpt from his book The Slow Down Diet.
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